Sunday, 1 June 2014

Daily Thought Part 1 - In General

I have made quite nothing the past couple weeks , not counting the graduation project and the extra drama I created on the side .. stressing about deadlines . and well stressing about the fact that am graduating soon , and I will have all the time I wanted to sleep . well two points I want to bring up which is why writing all of this .

First : stress in general 
I was watching a TED-Talk the other day that was talking about how to deal with stress , the lady sounds very convincing telling you that all the - fast heart beat - sweating and trembling arms and legs are merely your body preparing you to what's coming your heart beats fast to give you more oxygen so you can be more focused and alert , and so on . I truly was convinced by all that and kept reminding my self with it last week . but I had another kind of problem I became so low tempered . the slightest thing would make me angry . my idea of working crashed to what I had . which taught me another kind of lesson . don't work with friends , I mean don't compromise things just for the sake of friendship . specially if you'r like me , can feel uncomfortable with the things you find out along the way .

Second : What I want - GENERAL 
since am 3 days away from my last final exam , and 20 days away from graduation for good . you start thinking about your options later . I always said that I know what I want and am going to - go for it - but now am closing up on it .. I actually don't know !! is that so bad ?? I mean I guess it's a little normal to feel little lost now . but I just don't want to stay like that for a while !! I want to get out of that soon .. I was checking job opportunities this morning I even applied for some . and for now I guess I want to just apply and interview .. and along the way I will continue to look for something I want to do ..
The idea of getting a second journalism degree keeps getting to mind while I write this . so I guess I have a good place to start with ..

My advice : 
am not a specialist or anything , but hopefully this will get to someone who needs it .
- don't freak out if you're stressing over something , but remind your self that it's all preparing you for what's coming !!
- figure out what you want , don't just settle for being alive and well .

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